Tuesday, June 30
Read Jeremiah 14
Think About It:
- Chapter 14 is full of Jeremiah’s grief for the future of his people. The drought had crippled the entire nation of Judah. Verse 3 is a picture of their spiritual bankruptcy. Compare verse 3 with Jeremiah 2:13.
- What did Jeremiah confess on behalf of all Judah? (verse 7 & 20)
- What did God tell Jeremiah not to pray for? (verse 11)
- What did the false prophets prophesy? (verses 13-14)
- What will happen to these prophets and the people they prophesy to? (verses 15-16)
Family Time:
- False prophets (people who say they have a message from God, but they don’t) are talked about in verses 13-18. These false prophets were lying to God’s people. God’s people believed their lies. What lie did they tell? (verse 15)
- Will God punish the people who believed the false prophets? How? (verse 16)
- In the Bible, God tells us how to recognize false prophets. Remember, you have to READ the Bible and LEARN God’s Word or you will be tricked too, just like the people in Jeremiah’s day.