Friday, June 26
Read Jeremiah 11
Think About It:
- The covenant God speaks of in this chapter is the covenant that He made with the Israelites at Sinai. When Israel made the covenant with God at Mount Sinai, there were specific curses pronounced against those who violated the covenant. Here, God simply promised that He would enforce the terms of the covenant. What disaster does God decree for the people of Judah?
- What reasons would the men of Anathoth have for plotting to kill Jeremiah? What could happen if he continued to prophesy as God instructed?
Family Time:
- When we worship things more than the Lord, it breaks the Lord’s heart. Take time and see how many things you might spend more time with than the Lord.
- Jeremiah was telling Judah and Jerusalem the doom and gloom that will come upon them if they did not turn back to God. They wanted to shut Jeremiah up. Have you ever talked with someone about Jesus and they wanted you to stop talking? In those times we need to call on God and not run and hide.