Saturday, June 20
Read Jeremiah 6
Think About It:
- God is great in mercy and slow to anger but this chapter points out that He tests and tries all of us. Here are some reasons for judgement in this chapter:
Verse 10: They have no delight in God’s Word
Verse 14: Prophets and priests gave false messages to please people instead of God
Verse 15: They were not ashamed by their sin at all
Verses 16-17: They refused to listen when the truth was spoken. They would not admit the seriousness of their sin; but there was still hope if they would turn back to God.
Verse 16: Jesus was probably quoting this verse when He said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me…” Matthew 11:28-29. The result of walking in obedience is rest and peace of soul.
- What was the attitude of Jerusalem to the Word of the Lord? (verse 10)
- What were all the people after? (verse 13)
- What was their attitude when they committed abominations? They didn’t know how to _________. (verse 15)
- What does the Lord in His mercy tell us to ask Him for? (verse 16)
Family Time:
- Chapter 6 is a sorrowful, hard chapter to read. It is important to take God’s warnings to heart. It is also important to see that God always provided ways back to Him. When people reject Him and choose to lift themselves against Him, refusing His mercy, there are serious consequences.
- Discuss some of the ways this people refused God in verses 8, 10, 15,and 30.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you teachable.