Friday, June 19
Read Jeremiah 5
Think About It:
- Are the rains for the benefit of the crops related to our fear of our Lord?
- What is idolatry?
Family Time:
- Imagine the grieved (sad) heart of the Father in this chapter to find children:
- who are unjust
- who lie
- who are never sorry
- who won’t change their ways
- who take off the gentle “yoke” of the Lord in exchange to do their own thing
- who chose to live in known sin
- who look to false gods
- who are unfaithful
- who don’t fear the Lord or love Him
- who love their own wickedness
- Ask God to give you His heart. If you’ve stepped out of Jesus’ yoke, repent and turn back to Him. (A “yoke” means we go where He goes and stay close to Him.)