Friday, June 12
Read Isaiah 65
Think About It:
- What did the “rebellious people” do in the sight of the LORD? (verses 2-5)
- What blessings are promised for the true servants of the LORD?
- What is the reward of false or shallow servants of the LORD?
Family Time:
Isaiah 65 lists Israel’s abominable religious practices. Verses 2-5 & 11: arrogance, open defiance, idolatrous fertility rites, eating unclean foods, blasphemous self-righteousness, forsaking the LORD, forgetting his place of worship, worshipping Gad (a god of good luck), worshipping Meni (a god of fate).
- Discuss these as a family. Pray together. We may not think we are practicing any of these but beware, as even a hint of these in our lives can provoke the LORD to anger.
- What do you think about Gad, the god of “good luck”? Do we still worship this idol?