Thursday, June 11
Read Isaiah 64
Think About It:
- Chapter 64 is a cry for revival! …by those who know that only God Himself can meet the needs of the day. There is a cry for the revelation of the LORD. We have all been contaminated by sin with no hope of cleansing in ourselves. (verse 7)
- Is there really ‘no one’ who calls on His name or is it that there is altogether ‘too few’, and the redeemed are passionately calling for more?
- God is called our Father in verses 8-9. Discuss the meaning of the potter and the clay in these verses. What could it mean to us if the potter re-makes the vessel since verse 8 says He is the potter and we are the clay?
Family Time:
- In Isaiah’s prayer in verse 7, he prays: “And there is no one who calls on your name who stirs himself up to take hold of you.”
- Parents: Before a child is of age to “stir himself up,” it is your job to do so. Teach them how to take hold of the LORD.
- Children of age: It is your job to stir yourself up in the LORD. Are you reading God’s Word? Are you praying? What kind of music do you listen to? What do you put before your eyes? Is it of eternal value? Do you purposely look for ways to show Christ’s love?