Wednesday, June 10
Read Isaiah 63
Think About It:
- Who is the one who is returning with blood on Him?
- What support did He have?
- What is His method of gaining victory over them?
- Verses 7-14 is the prophet talking about God’s blessings all along the way. What are they? Why is it important to remember what God has done?
- What does it mean to have zeal for the LORD?
Family Time:
- Like the Israelites, we have seen the power and salvation of the LORD, yet have turned to our own wicked ways. “But they rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit.” (verse 10) Are you like the Israelites, caught up in tradition and sinful acts that grieve the Holy Spirit?
- The LORD WANTS to show himself strong for His name’s sake. He loves us with an amazing love, always working on our behalf, “parting the seas” for us. Fall in love with Jesus. He has become “afflicted” so you may have life.