Saturday, May 30
Read Isaiah 52
Think About It:
- Verses 1-12 speak of Zion rejoicing – the city that God loves and has restored. Zion, representing the dwelling place of God (which is now each of us who claim Jesus as our LORD and Savior) is called to “wake up” in this chapter. “Arise, shake off your dust!” Jesus has redeemed us! I love verse 6: “Therefore, My people will know the power of My name, and they will know in that day that I AM the One who promised them, saying, ‘Behold, I AM here!’” Because we live on the other side of Calvary, what Isaiah has prophesied is for us! The Church is triumphant! Re-read verses 8-12 and rejoice!
- Verses 13-15 foretell of Jesus who will be tortured, killed and then raised up and greatly exalted! Give Him thanks for the power to save you and consider the things that Jesus has saved you from in this life. May we never forget or take lightly all that He did for us at Calvary!
Family Time:
- God’s people were taken captive and went through a lot of hard times. What does verse 6 say will happen eventually?
- God adds to this in verse 12. What will He do for His people?
- Verses 13-15 talk about ‘My Servant’. Can you figure out who this is?