Thursday, May 21
Read Isaiah 43
Think About It:
- Because of Calvary, we who have been saved – disciples of Jesus – place our name in place of “Israel” in the Bible to make the verses more applicable and personal. Isaiah 43 is a promise of restoration, not only to Israel, but to us as well! Jesus has called you by name, you are His! When you pass through tough times, He is right there with you, keeping you safe. You were bought with a price – Jesus died for you. Verse 4 says you are cherished and precious in His eyes! Verse 10 says God has chosen you in order that you would know Him intimately. God is our Protector. Re-read the chapter as an encouraging promise to you from God and give Him thanks for each promise.
- Verse 18 of Isaiah 43 tells us to stop dwelling on the past. We have no legal right to the past outside of the redeeming power of Jesus. God is doing something new – all the time! Looking backwards represents a lack of trusting Him for our future. Without faith, it’s impossible to please God, so we look forward to what He is about to do with great expectation, knowing His love for us and His omnipotent ability to bring us through anything we may face. God is our Supplier. Give Him thanks as you remember all He has brought you through and supplied you with – and give Him praise as you thank Him in advance for all He is about to do in and through you!
Family Time:
- Israel was God’s witnesses. We are God’s witnesses today. Do people know what God is like through your words and example?
- In verses 22-24, the people presented God with sin instead of sacrifices. What do you present to God? Your sins or a plea for His forgiveness?