Friday, May 8
Read Isaiah 29
Think About It:
- For Judah’s people, rituals had become their religion. What is true worship of God?
- God is omniscient. Why did the people think God wouldn’t know about their schemes? If you would be embarrassed if your best friend knew your thoughts, how embarrassed are you that God already knows them?
Family Time:
- God doesn’t want your “religion”, He wants a “relationship” with you. “Religion” is when a person does outward, “religious” kinds of duties. “Religion” is when you are more concerned about doing what other people are doing, rather than doing what is right. Are you just concerned about doing what other people seem to be doing? God is concerned about your obedience, but He’s looking for obedience that comes from a heart of love for Him.
- Where do you find your satisfaction? Is it in having more and more “stuff”?
- What do you have to offer to others? Complaints or an ear that’s opened to listen and learn?