Monday, April 27
Read Isaiah 17-18
Think About It:
- In chapter 17, Isaiah prophesies on the destruction of Damascus and Ephraim. Verses 7-9 speaks about the humble response of man to the judgment of God…eyes will turn from self to God. Why did God judge these places?
- In chapter 18, we see Ethiopia seeking alliance with Judah. An offer that God rejected. Why? Was Judah to trust in the LORD only?
Family Time:
- Read Isaiah 17: 7-9 again. One of God’s purposes for judgment is to turn our hearts away from our idols and things we have trusted instead of Him. With this in mind, why then did God send judgment on Israel?
- Satan knows if he can make us forget the God of our Salvation, then we will not be effective for Jesus.
- Do you practice SELF discipline in your life so that God will not have to produce judgement in your life to help you remember Him? Thank him when he disciplines you. He does it because he loves you!
- In Isaiah 18 we see that Ethiopia was a major world power, ruling Egypt and a chief rival to Assyria. Since Judah was caught in the middle of this conflict it would have made sense for them to “align” with Ethiopia against Assyria. Did the LORD reject this offer? Often times we fool ourselves into thinking we are trusting the LORD, when in fact we are trying to “align” things in our favor. Whether that be friendships, jobs, finances or even a church position, make sure you are truly seeking to be aligned with Christ! We are to trust him!