Friday, April 17
Read Isaiah 7
Think About It:
- This chapter tells of the distress that the King experienced when he heard of the trouble that was coming against him. Isaiah went to King Ahaz to speak the Word of the LORD…to trust the LORD. If the king of Judah and the people of Judah had put their trust in the LORD, they would have had the peace of God in this conflict. When (not if) you face conflicts in this life, where do you turn? Do you put your trust in the LORD?
- To not react in fear to dire situations in life, we must see through the eyes of God. How do you accomplish this?
- Have you experienced the peace of God in extremely difficult situations? How was this possible?
- This is a chapter about trust in God. Why did God bring prophecy about the birth of Christ to King Ahaz?
Family Time:
- What King did God send Isaiah to meet? (verse 3)
- The LORD told King Ahaz several things through Isaiah. Who does Isaiah tell King Ahaz about in verses 14-16?