Tuesday, April 14
Read Isaiah 3-4
Think About It:
- Isaiah 3 details how the disobedience of Jerusalem and Judah is leading to the destruction God had warned about in Deuteronomy 28. When we take lightly the Word of God, we cannot expect His continued blessing. This chapter resembles the USA in many areas and is a picture of why we must repent, individually and as a nation, for not taking His Word seriously. Isaiah 3:9 says, “their words and deeds are against the LORD, defying His glorious presence… they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.” Pray for areas in your life or the lives of your family or those of this nation where we have defied the Presence of God and ask for God’s mercy as we take steps to reverse our actions.
- Isaiah 3:10 is the most encouraging verse in the chapter, saying, “Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.” Give God thanks for His grace and mercy with us and remember some of the ways He has blessed you, your family or this nation recently.
- Isaiah 4:2-6 is a promise of future restoration. God’s judgment always leads to purification when the remnant faithfully walks in obedience to God after He washes away the stain of sin in a culture. The Church that follows God becomes His Holy nation representing Him to the rest of the world. Think of ways Christians today stand out from the world as holy. What sets you apart from those around you who do not believe? Take some time to thank God for His deliverance and guidance you witnessed as you have lived according to His Word.
Family Time:
- Verses 1-7 talk about some bad things that will happen to God’s people: leaders will lose their position, kids will be disrespectful, people will not have enough food or clothing, no one will want to lead. Why do these things happen? (verses 8-9)
- What are some ways your tongue can be against the LORD?