Monday, April 13
Read Isaiah 2
Think About It:
Isaiah 2:1-3 is repeated in Micah 4:1-3. Since Isaiah and Micah were contemporary prophets, it isn’t surprising that the same Spirit of the LORD could give these two prophets the same word, to establish and emphasize His word.
- After painting the picture of the glory of the Messiah’s reign, Isaiah then challenges Judah (house of Jacob) to live in the Messiah’s reign right now. What does it mean “to walk in the light of the LORD”? We don’t have to wait for the Messiah’s return to enjoy the blessings of His reign. We don’t have to live a dark, depressing, discouraged Christian life if we are walking in the light of the LORD.
- What is it that brings you down and brings darkness into your life?
- What are the sins that prevent Judah from walking in the light of the LORD?
Family Time:
- Verses 17-20 talk a lot about idols. Idols are something we put above God. Do you have any idols?
- What does it say God will do to the idols? (verse 18)
- Why did the people create idols for themselves? (verse 20)
- When the LORD comes back and shakes the earth (verse 19), what will the people do with their idols?