Overview of the Book of Isaiah Part 1
Saturday, April 11
Read Isaiah 1
Think About It:
- Isaiah describes a courtroom scene. God convenes the court and states the charges (verses 2-4). He presents His case and pronounces the nation guilty (verses 5-15), but He gives the accused opportunity to repent and be forgiven (verses 16-31). How did God describe his sinful people?
- They were rebellious children (verses 2-4) who did not have as much devotion to God as animals do to their masters! The word “rebel” carries with it the idea of breaking a contract. At Sinai, Israel had entered into a solemn contract with Jehovah (Exodus 19-20), but they had broken the contract by their unbelief and idolatry. They did not appreciate what God had done for them and they were taking their blessings for granted. They had forsaken the LORD, gone backward, and grown corrupt; therefore, they were guilty and deserved judgment.
The disgusting thing about this rebellious people is that they were also a religious people (verses 10-15). They attended the temple services and brought a multitude of sacrifices to the LORD, but their hearts were far from God and their worship was hypocritical. Sacrifices alone can never please God, for along with the outward observance, God wants inward obedience (1 Samuel 15:22), a broken heart (Psalm 51:17), and a Godly walk (Micah 6:6-8). Judah’s worship of Jehovah was iniquity, not piety, and God was sick of it! Instead of lifting up “holy hands” in prayer (1 Timothy 2:8), their hands were stained with blood because of their many sins (Isaiah 59:3; Ezekiel 7:23).
Reflect on these truths, search your heart. We can use the blood of Jesus to cleanse our hearts and remove any iniquity. (Sin is the first time you do something against God, iniquity is performing the same sin over and over.)
Family Time:
- When you feel lonely and separated from God, remember that God does not abandon you. Our sins cut us off from Him. The only sure cure for this kind of loneliness is to restore a meaningful relationship with the LORD by confessing our sins, obeying His instructions, and talking to Him daily. (verses 4-9)
- Verse 31 talks about a spark that starts a fire. One small spark of sin can destroy our lives. What potential fire hazard to you need to remove in your life?