Thursday, April 2
Read Ecclesiastes 11
Think About It:
Life is an ADVENTURE—live by faith (11:1-6).
Life is a GIFT—enjoy it (11:7-12:8)
Life is A SCHOOL—learn your lessons (12:9-12).
Life is a STEWARDSHIP—fear God (12:13-14).
These four pictures parallel the four arguments that Solomon had wrestled with throughout the book. Life is not monotonous; rather, it is an adventure of faith that is anything but predictable or tedious. Yes, death is certain, but life is a gift from God, and He wants us to enjoy it. Are there questions we can’t answer and problems we can’t solve? Don’t despair. God teaches us His truth as we advance in “the school of life” and He will give us wisdom enough to make sensible decisions. Finally, as far as wealth is concerned, all of life is a stewardship from God; and one day He will call us to give Him an account. Therefore, “Fear God, and keep His commandments” (12:13).
Family Time:
- Review the advice from this chapter. Do you do these things?
- Be generous.
- Be a blessing to others.
- Don’t try to work up a “human” understanding of God’s ways.
- Work hard.
- Don’t take the life/days God has given you for granted.
- Live life to the fullest in a way that honors God.