Tuesday, March 24
Read Ecclesiastes 3
Think About It:
Solomon has presented four arguments proving that life was nothing but grasping broken soap bubbles and chasing after the wind. But he was too wise a man to let his own argument go unchallenged, so in Ecclesiastes 3-10 he re-examined each of them carefully.
First, he saw something above man—a God who was in control of time and who balanced life’s experiences (3:1-8). Then he saw something within man that linked him to God—eternity in his heart (3:9-14). Third, Solomon saw something ahead of man—the certainty of death (3:15-22). Finally, he saw something around man—problems and burdens of life (4:1-5:9).
- Your whole life is full of seasons. What have you learned in each season? Do you prepare for the next? One of my favorite verses is verse 11, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope from beginning to end.”
Family Time:
- In our world where so many things compete for our attention, how do you know what is the right thing to do each day?
- Why is it important for us to understand that God has created a time and purpose, and season for everything?
- How does knowing that God has set everything in order, help you?
- How do you feel about worshiping a God who not only builds up, but also tears down? Who not only heals, but also kills?