Thursday, March 5
Read Proverbs 18
Think About It:
Those who obey the wisdom taught in God’s Word will become more skillful in handling the affairs of life. But we must not think that this wisdom is a set of rules or a collection of “success formulas” that anyone can occasionally apply as he or she pleases. Following God’s wisdom is a fulltime endeavor. His Word must first work within our hearts and transform our character before we can become the kind of people God can guide and bless. God is a righteous God. God wants His people to be righteous. But mostly, God provides righteousness for those who will accept it. Spend some time talking to the Lord about your character. Ask the Lord to show you an area that may need some attention.
Family Time:
- Verses 1-8 talks about the wicked and the fool. Read these verses and try to come up with real life examples of this kind of behavior. Have you ever behaved like the wicked or like a fool? What can you do differently?