Saturday, February 29
Read Proverbs 14
Think About It:
- Do you tend to act more like a foolish person or a wise person? Read through the verses again and think about which category you fall into each time. Do you need to change anything? Ask the Lord to reveal any areas that can be improved.
- Who should we not seek advice from (verse 7)? What might happen if we seek advice from someone who has demonstrated that they do not properly understand the Word of God?
Family Time:
- The common bond of God’s people should be good will. Those with good will think the best of others and assume that others have good motives and intend to do what is right. Ask yourself, ‘how can I show good will to someone who has made me upset?’ (verse 9)
- Complete verse 27, “The ___________ of the Lord is a __________ of life; to turn one away from the ____________ of death.”