Thursday, February 27
Read Proverbs 12
Think About It:
Proverbs 12 contrasts the wise and the foolish with 28 verses of wisdom from Solomon pertaining to how to live, what to say and decisions we face. The opening verse says to learn the truth, we must long to be teachable. That is the key! Each of us can put ourselves in each of the verses, looking at the chapter as if it were a mirror, to see where we need God’s help to change. As we look at each comparison in the verse, we can use this chapter to form our prayers. We can safely admit to God what we see in ourselves when looking at His Word and He will give us wisdom to live more successfully. Thank Him for the areas He has already shaped you into who you should be, and surrender to Him the areas you need help. This makes His Word a powerful light to show you the way to live and provides wisdom, health and abundant life He wants for you. Ask God to give you a greater desire to long to be teachable every day of your life.
Family Time:
- In verse 15 the way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to what?
- How hard is it to listen to advice from a Godly person, which could be your parent or even your sibling?