Thursday, February 20
Read Proverbs 6
Think About It:
- What lessons can be learned from an ant (verse 6)? What does a lazy person prefer to do instead of working? What will happen as a result (verse 11)?
- Many in the world seem to think that God’s instructions on how to live our life are strict and take away any fun we could have. What do His instructions really do? Think of times when you sinned in the past that affected you (and maybe others) and reflect on what would have been different if you walked more closely with the Lord during that time.
- Write a summary of the 7 abominations of the Lord. What things would a person with haughty eyes do? What about a lying tongue, etc.?
Family Time:
- Read the list in verses 16-19 from The Passion Translation (TPT). This is a list of what God hates. If you struggle with any of these things, ask for forgiveness. He will forgive you. Remember, God does not hate you. HE LOVES YOU and wants you, his child, to have the good He has planned for you.
- Put this list up somewhere in your home as a reminder.