Tuesday, February 18
Read Proverbs 4
Think About It:
Proverbs 4, written by Solomon, entitled “Wisdom is Supreme” reminds us that God’s Holy Spirit teaches us all things today if we seek Him and listen with our spirit. James 1:5 says, “If anyone lacks wisdom, let them ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given.” We need divine wisdom every day for the decisions we make. We should not rely on natural reasoning but learn to hear the Holy Spirit guide us: Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the LORD completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make.” Proverbs 4 expresses the cost of acquiring wisdom and understanding. It takes determination to choose the right path in everything we do with an ear toward heaven always listening for His direction. This chapter gives us some of the benefits of seeking God’s wisdom: protection (verse 6), honor and influence (verses 8, 18), grace (verse 9), long life (verse 10), success (verses 11-12), and health (verse 22). Verses 21-24 warn us not to get distracted, to guard your heart and fill your thoughts with God’s words of wisdom.
- Ask God right now (and every day) to give you wisdom in areas that you are unsure of and listen for His answers. Trust He knows your every need and is waiting for you to ask Him. For encouragement, keep a notebook with the date and your specific requests for wisdom and record His answers as He provides.
Family Time:
- Proverbs 4:1 sets the tone – This is an instruction of a father to a child. The motive is love, protection, and blessing. Do you trust God to let Him teach you?
- Memorize Proverbs 4:5
- Re-read and think about verse 23. What do you think it means?