Thursday, February 13
Read Psalm 148-150
Think About It:
- In Psalm 148, who and what is to praise God in the heavens? Who and what praises God on the earth and in the depths?
- In Psalm 149 and 150, list all the ways we, His people, can praise Him.
- What are all the reasons we have to praise Him? (148:4-9)
- Psalm 150 serves as a doxology to all the other Psalms. It includes where we are to worship (verse 1); why we are to worship (verse 2); how we are to worship (verses 3-5); and who is to worship—“let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” (verse 6)
Family Time:
Psalm 148
- Who and/or what should praise the Lord? (verses 1-4, 7-12)
- Why? (verses 5, 13-14)
Psalm 149
- Tell what you think, “Sing to the Lord a new song” means. Why “new”?
- List the ways we can praise God. (verses 1-3)
- Make a “musical instrument” and praise God with a new song. Be creative with your instrument and your song. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- beans or macaroni in a covered container that you can shake
- a wooden spoon on the bottom of a pan or bowl
- strings on a shoe box to make a guitar
- 2 pan lids could be cymbals
Have fun delighting in God today!
Psalm 150
- This last Psalm is a closing word on praise. Everyone. Everything. Everywhere. Every day. Start your day praising God. End your day praising God. And all day in between—Praise God! Enjoy Him! Delight in Him! You will like it, too!