Wednesday, February 12
Read Psalm 146-147
Think About It:
Psalm 146
- Who do you put your confidence in? Have you put your confidence in the Lord? Why or why not?
Psalm 147
- How is praise pleasant and beautiful?
- How does the Lord show care in this Psalm?
- What delights the Lord?
Family Time:
Psalm 146
- “Praise the Lord.” (verse 1) Praise the One who is Worthy of all praise! (verses 5-10)
- Who should we NOT put our trust in? (verses 3-4)
- Fill in the blank: “___________________ is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.”
Psalm 147
- God’s greatest joy comes from our true worship and trust. Which verse assures us of this?
- We sing a song with these words: “He inhabits the Praise of His People.” These words are taken from Psalm 22:3. What praise do you have for God today? Make up a song right now and sing that praise to God. Imagine God’s pleasure as you sing!