Saturday, February 8
Read Psalm 140-141
Think About It:
- Psalm 140 can be a daily prayer, not only against those who ruffle your feathers, but also the enemy’s lies in your mind. We don’t face enemies like King David had when he wrote this Psalm, but in heavenly places there are enemies trying to stop you from advancing the kingdom of God and fulfilling His plan for your life. Pray along with this Psalm for God’s protection, even in the unseen realm, against lies spoken against you or any mental battles you may face. Determine to set your mind on believing God’s Word more than the negative things you hear in your mind, the lies from the enemy and the opinions of people around you.
- Psalm 141 is a prayer for when we face temptation. Often we need to pray for the LORD to help us control our tongue in speaking. Honor is the language of heaven and we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Let’s make sure our speech reflects that atmosphere whenever we speak. All temptation begins in the heart, so we need to be changed on the inside to maintain our right walk with God. Ask Him to change you as you meditate on the areas He shows you that aren’t in alignment with His ways. Do you take criticism well? Sometimes God ordains others to speak into our life for our own benefit. Keep your eyes fixed on the LORD and trust Him to lead you into safety.
Family Time:
Psalm 140
- From what did the psalmist want deliverance and protection? (verses 1, 4)
Psalm 141
- How did the psalmist want his prayers to come before the LORD? (verse 2)
- What did the psalmist want the LORD to do to his lips and mouth? (verse 3)