Saturday, February 1
Read Psalm 128-130
Think About It:
- What is the important condition that must exist for the blessings in Psalm 128 to happen?
- When you feel like you’re struggling with something, do you cry out to the Lord? Every time? What can you do to start that into a habit?
Family Time:
- Psalm 128: Have you ever been upset about doing chores or schoolwork? Read verse 2. How can this verse help you do things you don’t enjoy?
- Psalm 129: Why is the psalmist praising God? (verses 2, 4)
- Psalm 130: The psalmist says that the Lord does not mark iniquities – or keep track of our sins. The psalmist hopes – or has faith – in His word. What are the results of that hope? (verses 7-8)