Saturday, January 25
Read Psalm 119:105-128
Think About It:
- God’s word gives us direction for our lives if we learn it and believe it. Trials will come and people will come against us, but God and His word is our refuge or hiding place and our shield. (verses 114-120)
- God’s word teaches us and gives us discernment and understanding (verses 124-125). Love God’s word and run to it in trouble. It is our greatest treasure given to us by God. It will bring us through all trials in our lives.
Family Time:
- The Psalmist says over and over again, I _______ your laws.
e l o v
- A double-minded person is someone who can’t make up their mind between good and evil. When it comes to obeying God, there is no middle ground. You must take a stand. Do you? Give an example of a double-minded person.
- In verse 125, the Psalmist asked God for discernment. Faith comes alive when we apply scripture to our daily lives. Think about when you read the Bible…how can you put the Bible into practice?