Saturday, January 18
Read Psalm 116-117
Think About It:
Psalm 116
At a time when the psalmist was “at rest” (verse 7), unscrupulous men whom he had trusted, lied about him (verse 11) and created trouble for him. In fact, their deception almost cost him his life (verses 3-4), but he called on the Lord and was saved from death. The psalm is very personal, with “I”, “my”, and “me” used over 30 times. In expressing his praise to the Lord, the writer borrowed from other psalms, specifically 18, 27, 31, in 56, and an interesting fact is that he knew the texts of Hezekiah’s prayer (Isaiah 37) and the psalm of thanksgiving (Isaiah 38). As the psalmist reflected on his life-threatening experience, he discovered several reasons why the Lord God delivers people from danger and death.
Psalm 117
An anonymous writer composed the shortest psalm, and in three brief sentences, encompassed the whole world. The psalm is an invitation to people everywhere to turn to the Lord and join with believers everywhere in praising Him.
This week find three people you have never spoken to. Tell them one good thing the Lord has done for you. You never know, that person may have needed an encouraging word, and you had been divinely sent to bring Jesus to them.
Family Time:
- Name three characteristics of God described in Psalm 116:5.
- According to Psalm 117, why should everyone praise the Lord?
- How long does God’s truth last?