Tuesday, January 14
Read Psalm 109
Think About It:
- Is David unmerciful himself? If we go to this Psalm too often, would we be unmerciful? We must realize that there is a balance between God’s mercy and justice. We must also realize that David is applying this to those who aren’t showing mercy.
- Do you see how important it is to show mercy to others, especially the poor and needy? Imagine if it was you that David was speaking against. We must live as those who have received mercy!
Family Time:
- This Psalm can be difficult to understand—as it is a spoken curse against the enemies of God. One thing we need to understand regarding this Psalm is that not everyone is qualified to speak words such as these. Here are some ways that David was qualified to speak these words: He was a man after God’s heart, he was innocent of the charges of the wicked, his heart was right with God, he loved what God loved and hated what God hated, and he was right with God and right with man. David was only against the enemies of God—that which was ruled by Satan.