Book 5
Saturday, January 11
Read Psalm 107
Think About It:
We can all relate to some portion of Psalm 107. It speaks of four different types of people in distress and how God rescues them: wanderers (4-9), prisoners (10-16), sickly (17-20) and storm-tossed (23-30). In every case, “they cried out to the LORD and He delivered them.” God is able to breakthrough no matter what our circumstances are and help us! Use this Psalm to thank Him for breaking through for you, whether it is a testimony of something you already experienced or faith-filled words for a current situation. Verse 43 ends the Psalm perfectly, saying, “Whoever is wise, let them heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.” Give Him thanks for His great love for you!
Family Time:
- Why did Jesus die for us?
- Why should we celebrate Jesus’ love? How do you celebrate Jesus’ love?
- How does it make you feel knowing that Jesus loves you?
- Complete the sheet at: