Thursday, January 2
Read Psalm 96-97
Think About It:
- Psalm 96 speaks of the many ways nature itself declares the glory of God. How much more should we praise and glorify His name in all that we say and do. Spend a few minutes telling Him how much you love Him, sing to Him and think of a way today you can share with someone else what God has done for you!
- Psalm 97 makes my heart sing – I love the many hymns and songs that use the lines from Psalms in them: “the LORD reigns, let the earth be glad! Fire goes before Him and burns up all His enemies. The hills melt like wax in the presence of the LORD…”
- When our focus is on God as Conqueror, our faith is enlarged. To know He is on our side, with all that He has done, compels us to go forward with hope and courage. Give Him thanks for a few moments for everything you see in His creation that points to His awesome power. You cannot remain unmoved when you praise God with Psalms like this!
Family Time:
Psalm 96
NOTE: Worship (Greek: proskuneo) means to “bow down, show reverence, worship or adore.” As we follow Jesus, we learn the importance and power of worship, not just on Sunday but every day.
- This psalm calls us to worship God, to praise Him, to proclaim His salvation and declare His Glory. Why? (verses 4 & 5)
- God deserves our praise, our worship, our gratefulness, our love, our awe, our all! “Worship the Lord in the splendor of His Holiness! Let’s make this new year, 2020, a year of daily praise!
Psalm 97
- Believers who truly want to please God will love what God loves and hate evil as He hates evil. Believers will “Rejoice in the Lord” and “Praise His Holy Name.” Study to learn, and love God’s Word and ways.