Monday, December 30
Read Psalm 91
Think About It:
- Do the opening verses sound familiar? We sing them. What shelter do you run to when trouble comes?
- Verse 4 reminds me of what a mother hen does when she has chicks and danger comes. She clucks and lifts her wings so the chicks can get under them and be protected. God provides that kind of protection.
- During the temptation of Jesus, Satan misused verses 11 and 12. (See Matthew 4:6) What verse(s) does Satan misuse to try and trip you up?
Family Time:
- This song of David encourages believers when they are under great stress and fear to trust confidently that God watches over us and protects us. What does God command His angels to do? (verses 11-12)
- Read verses 14 and 15 three times, one after another. Tell God now how His Words comfort, encourage and excite you!