Saturday, December 21
Read Psalm 80
Think About It:
In verses 4-7, the shepherd image blended in with the image of Israel as God’s people: “We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” But the Lord is now angry with His people, and His anger smoldered like a fire about to erupt and consume them. He was even angry with their prayers. During Israel’s wanderings, God provided bread from heaven and water from the rock. But now His people had only tears as both their food and drink.
- No matter what you are going through, the Lord loves you and you are His. Do you feel like you are worthless fruit? Do you feel abandoned? You are not!!! Step up out of the muck and look around. What things might you change? Sit down and open the Word. Ask the Lord to show you what you need to work on.
Family Time:
- Think about the story of Moses. In verse 8, the psalmist starts to talk about a vine. What or who do you think this vine is?
- It sounds like some of the Israelites may have been taken captive. There are a lot of sad things happening in this psalm, BUT what does the psalmist keep saying to God? (verses 3, 7, 19)
- It is easy to forget about God when we aren’t happy. He can change things around us and change our hearts to be happy. Think of a time you were sad or upset. Did you ask God to make you feel better? What happened? If not, what would have happened differently if you had remembered God?