Wednesday, December 18
Read Psalm 77
Think About It:
- Reflection is a lost art in today’s world. Adults learn by reflection. How good it is to remember what the Lord has done. Make a list of what the Lord has done in your life? What happened when you took the time to remember His redemptive power in your life?
- “I cried out with my voice.” Do you voice your prayers to the Lord? If you have trouble staying focused during your time with the Lord, voice your prayers and praise. There is power in the spoken word.
- “My soul refused to be comforted.” When we are in desperate trials, our soul refuses superficial comforts. What we need is the comfort that only God can bring. Do you turn to God for comfort in times of trouble?
Family Time:
- In verses 1-9, how do you think the psalmist was feeling? Read verses 2-4 for clues.
- What did the psalmist choose to do in verse 10? Why?
- If you are feeling down, you can choose to think of God too. Have you ever done that? The psalmist used the story of the 10 plagues. What are some things from the Bible you could remember when you are down?
** ‘the years of the right hand’ (verse 10): The right hand means power and strength. So, this phrase means the years God showed His power and strength.