Saturday, December 7
Read Psalm 63-65
Think About It:
- Imagine the desire you have for your favorite food, TV show or hobby. Does your desire for God surpass all these? If so, imagine being deprived of them for an extended time. Your desire increases. Does your desire for God still surpass that? David says, “my flesh faints for you as in a dry and weary land where there is no water,” and “my soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food”. How do you think this compares with your desire for the Lord? Take some time to give this some serious thought, and talk to God about it.
- How do you view the world around you? When you see evil triumph, do you see God’s judgment in the backdrop of it all? Or when you see the beauty of creation and the blessings of produce and meat in the grocery store, does your heart warm as you think of the goodness of God?
Family Time:
- In Psalm 63:3, what does David say is better than life?
- In the theme of Psalm 63, praise along with
- Who will be glad in the Lord (Psalm 64:10)?
- Psalm 65 describes some of the awesome magnitude of God’s power. Take a few quiet minutes to think of how awesome God is. Be still and know He is “I AM”.