Thursday, December 5
Read Psalm 59-60
Think About It:
In these Psalms, David speaks of his enemies and their cruel intentions against him first, and follows with his trust in God to protect him and provide a way of escape, destroying his enemies for him. Whenever we pray, we may share our concerns with God referring to what our eyes show us, but we must always follow up with words of faith, knowing God can turn around any situation and what is unseen is more real than the physical realm our eyes point out to us.
In Psalm 59, David prays to God to defend and deliver him from his enemies. Then he foresees and declares the destruction of his enemies, giving God the glory.
In Psalm 60, David feels abandoned by the LORD but soon recovers in verse 4 by declaring how God has given miraculous signs to those who love Him and how He saves those He loves. Verses 6-9 tells us David hears the voice of the LORD in response to his prayer. And in verses 11-12, David requests God’s help and declares with God’s help they will be victorious! Always end your prayers with faith statements telling God you trust Him with the victorious final outcome!
Family Time:
- Psalm 59. David knew what it was like to be hated without cause. Who else knows what it was like to be hated without cause? (Read John 15:18-21; 25)
- Re-read Psalm 59:16-17. Do you proclaim aloud God’s power, mercy, defense, and strength when being persecuted?
- Ponder Psalm 60:4. What does this mean?