Wednesday, November 27
Read Psalm 46-47
Think About It:
Psalm 46
- Do you ever complain about things that happen that are not in your control (i.e., weather, people, etc.)? “A duty described, to be still before God, and under the dispensations of His providence; which implies that we must be still as to words; not speaking against the sovereign dispensations of providence, or complaining of them; not darkening counsel by words without knowledge or justifying ourselves and speaking great swelling words of vanity. We must be still as to actions and outward behavior, so as not to oppose God in his dispensations; and as to the inward frame of our hearts, cultivating a calm and quiet submission of soul to the sovereign pleasure of God, whatever it may be” (Treasure of David, Charles Spurgeon, p. 399).
Psalm 47
- Psalm 47:7 – When you sing songs to the Lord, whether in your private time with Him or in church, do you really mean what you sing? Do you have understanding as to why you are praising Him?
Family Time:
- How many names for God can you find in Psalms 46 and 47? What are they?
- Watch/listen to this song about Psalm 46:1:
- Psalm 47:1-3 Clap your hands: There are many ways in which the people of God express their joy in Him; one is clapping of hands in joyful adoration. In which ways do you show God your joyful love?