Monday, November 25
Read Psalm 44
Think About It:
- For us to fight successfully against the enemy, what must our relationship with God be like? Our enemy, Satan knows that when we attempt to fight him in our own strength, we will not be successful. Where does your strength, wisdom and discernment come from?
- Do you see any similarities between what the psalmist says to God in Psalm 44:9-26 and Job’s lament to God regarding his own suffering?
Family Time:
- The Jews had done nothing wrong, but their enemies had done bad things to them. This often happens to Christian people. Why does God let it happen?
- In verses 23-26 the person that wrote the psalm prays and asks God to wake up and send help. Whatever happens, we must always ask God to send help!
- When you hear about or see bad things happening to people, pray for them.