Wednesday, November 20
Read Psalm 38
Think About It:
- This is a song full of pain and dark with guilt, as David felt the sore effects (both physical and spiritual) of his sin. He was pierced by God’s displeasure in him, overwhelmed by iniquity and is in turmoil. And yet, by the end of the Psalm, David knows where his hope stems from. The Lord’s kindness brought David to repentance. Have you experienced the pain and destruction of sin, and then experienced the lovingkindness of the Lord that led you to repentance? Testify of the Lord’s goodness.
Family Time:
- David constantly is calling out to God, he communicates every fear and every feeling to God! In this chapter, his strength is nearly gone, his health is poor, he is broken. In spite of his misery, what does David do? (verses 15-18)
- David’s prayer in the last 2 verses of this chapter shows his deep need for God. Are you needing God for some area of your life? Write your own verses of prayer to God for that area, then patiently trust Him to answer!