Tuesday, November 5
Read Psalm 19-20
Think About It:
Psalm 19
Take a moment to think of all the things the Lord Jesus has saved you from and thank Him for His love, blessings and favor toward you and your family.
Psalm 20
This is a prayer before the battle.
A Praying People (verses 1-5). Before the army went out to battle, the Jewish law of warfare required the officers and soldiers first to dedicate themselves to the Lord (Deuteronomy 20:1-4). This psalm speaks of such a dedication service. “Battles are won the day before,” said Marshall Foch, commander for the Allied forces in WW1.
A Confident Leader (verses 6-8) Now the king speaks and assures his people that he is confident of success because the Lord has chosen him (“anointed”) and heard his prayers. The people prayed, “May the Lord hear” (verse 1 ) and David’s reply was, “He will hear” (verse 6).
A sovereign Lord (verse 9). Unless the Lord is King, there can be no victory.
For the Lord is the Great God, the Great King above all gods (95:3). The Lord Almighty – He is the King of Glory (24:10), but the Lord alone can determine the outcome.
What are the names of God or characteristics of God in this Psalm?
Do you go to the Lord before your battles?
Family Time:
- In Psalm 19:7-11, there is a lot of synonyms (words that mean the same as) for God’s Word, along with the effect God’s Word can have on us. Find these synonyms and their effects and discuss each together as a family.
- In Psalm 20:7-8, what do some people trust in? What happened to them?
- In Psalm 20:7-8, what should Christians trust in? What happens to them?
DIG DEEPER: We should never put our trust and hope in people or things. Nothing is more powerful than the Lord. Look up these verses: Acts 4:12 and Philippians 2:9-10.