Monday, November 4
Read Psalm 18
Think About It:
- A comparison can be made between Psalm 18 and 2 Samuel 22. God had just delivered David from Saul and all his enemies. What words did he use to describe the Lord? Have you found Him to be these to you?
- David prays with desperation. In verses, 7-20, the mighty answer comes. How casual are your prayers? Do you get casual answers?
- In what ways does David practice his testimony (verses 21-24)? He goes on to declare the character of the Lord, followed by God’s blessings. Do you notice a pattern?
Family Time:
Memory Verse: Psalm 18:32
David wrote this Psalm after he was delivered from the hand of Saul.
- Why does David say God delivered Him? (verses 19-24)
- Sometimes we wonder if we are ‘good enough’ for God. After reading through the Bible so far, we should realize that even King David was not perfect. We should be like David, always having a repentant heart (a heart that says, ‘I’m sorry’ and changes), always moving closer to God and always seeking His presence. We won’t be perfect, but we will never have to worry about being ‘good enough’. Read the second half of verse 21. What did David say he did (or didn’t) do?
- What must it look like when someone ‘wickedly departs from God’?