Saturday, October 26
Read Psalm 7-8
Think About It:
Psalm 7
Cush the Benjaminite was among King Saul’s favorite flatterers. To earn the king’s approval and rewards, Cush lied about David, and Saul believed him. David was concerned enough to cry out to God for deliverance and vindication. The theme of the Psalm is God’s vindication of His servant and the judgement on his enemies. David describes four different judgements.
The Psalm closes with David extolling the Lord, not for the fact that sinners have been judged, but because the Righteousness of God has been magnified.
Psalm 8
In this beautiful expression of praise to God, David stands amazed that the God of creation, the great and glorious Jehovah, would pay any attention to frail people on earth. I can’t help but notice the promises that David understood.
We are to pronounce the Strength of the Lord, and the Lord will silence your enemies and all who oppress you (verse 2). And knowing that the Lord cares for us (verse 4), he announces that we have been made “just a little lower than God Himself and has crowned us with glory and honor” (verse 5). Then comes the announcement that all things are under our authority (verses 6-8). How can this be? These are all things due to the Messiah, who would soon come to this earth and confirm all the words of King David! That is why this is called one of the Messianic psalms, answering the question, “What is man?” Ultimately, through Jesus Christ, the “Last Adam,” we regain our lost dominion.
- Do you believe these truths?
- Do you operate in the understanding of all that Jesus did for us on the Cross? It is through the Blood of Jesus and His sacrifice that we are crowned with His glory and honor.
Family Time:
- In Psalm 7, who does David trust to defend him?
- Even though David is being persecuted, he says in verse 17 that he will praise the Lord according to HIS righteousness. Do you praise God in every circumstance because of who HE is?
- Compare Psalm 8:2 with Matthew 21:16. What David defines as ‘ordained strength’, Jesus references and calls it ‘perfected praise.’
- According to Psalm 8:2 and Matthew 21:16, how important is the praise of even very small children? What does your praise do to the enemy?
- In Psalm 8, David is marveling over the excellence of God. Have you ever stopped to marvel at all God has created and organized? God has not hidden His excellence. Consider Romans 1:20.