Friday, October 25
Read Psalm 5-6
Think About It:
- This morning prayer may have been accompanied by music on a flute-like instrument. Think of its light and airy sound as the notes float upward; the direction David looked as he prayed. It teaches us how to come to God each day. David called the Lord two names. They showed that David expected the Lord to rule, govern, direct, save, defend and protect (5:12 says with a shield, of the largest kind). What were the names?
- Chapter 6 is a prayer of distress. One of the phrases David uses in crying out to the Lord is: “do not rebuke me in Your anger.” Have you ever thought God was angry with you? David did. Yet, he continued to pray. David was encouraged by knowing that the Lord heard his prayer. Are you?
Family Time:
- In Psalm 5, who did David direct his voice to in the morning?
- When do you talk with God? Do you wait until the end of the day or do you start your day talking with Him?
- According to Psalm 5:11, what characteristic should describe the people who trust God and love his name?
- Read Psalm 6. Does David hide his emotions from God? Do you hide your emotions from God?
- After David had cried out, what did David declare and believe in Psalm 6:9?