Tuesday, October 22
Read Job 42
Think About It:
- Explain Job’s conclusion in 42:4-6. What can we learn? What can we learn from Job regarding repentance and confession?
- What conclusion should we reach regarding the friends’ view of suffering and their view of Job’s sins?
- Did God ever (in the text) directly explain to Job the specific reason why he had suffered (as in chapters 1 and 2)? What lesson did He teach Job? In what sense was this what Job really needed to learn?
Family Time:
- Read verse 5. Do you know the Lord by what you have heard about Him, or do you know Him and see Him ( through faith, and what He reveals to you) personally? Don’t be content to just learn about Jesus. Get to know Him, and ask Him to show you who He really is; just like you would ask a new friend about themselves so you could get to know them. The Lord is awesome!
- Read verse 6. What happened to Job when He got in God’s presence? Has that ever happened to you? Seeing the awesomeness of God makes us realize how small and sinful we truly are. If you have never seen this about yourself, ask God to show you more of Himself, so you can truly come to Him and be saved!
- God restored all that Job had lost…and so much more. Whenever you go through hard times, remember this story. Pain and hard times only last for a little while. God will always make a way through, and even if we always struggle down here on earth, we have a beautiful home with Jesus in heaven. He is waiting for those who remain faithful, just as Job was. And in the moment that we see Him, all the hard times won’t matter anymore. It will all be worth it. Just one look at Jesus will heal us and give us more joy than we could ever imagine. Hold on to Him until that day!