Monday, October 21
Read Job 41
Think About It:
- What is Leviathan a representation of in this chapter?
- What is God saying to Job?
Family Time:
- Give some descriptions of Leviathan. (See verses 12-31) Would you like to meet him?
- What do verses 10-11 say about God?
- If there is no one who can even stand up to this creation of God’s, and if God is much more awesome and mightier…can you even imagine what He must be like?
- We hear a lot about God being good and loving, which He is. But we must never forget that He is a fierce God, and that there will be a day when His wrath is poured out on all evil, and everyone that opposes Him will be destroyed. Take some time to think about this. Then, if you are a child of God, take some time to thank Him for saving you from His wrath. If you are not a child of God, think seriously about the day you will meet Him face to face. Don’t wait to get right with God, because you never know the day this life on earth will end and you will stand before Him. Pray!