Saturday, October 19
Read Job 40
Think About It:
- Nothing convinces us to so gladly part with our beloved sinful habits like the Spirit of Truth in communion with our LORD. And when we sincerely listen and hear from God, He will share more with us. When we fully commit ourselves into His hand, our renewal proceeds in conviction, humbling and watchfulness against remaining sin, just as at our first conversion. In this chapter, the LORD challenges Job and points to the beast (vs. 15-24) because of its great power. And yet God is more powerful, and the maker of this great beast. Nothing is too difficult for God and we always need to remain aware of our dependence upon Him. Give God thanks right now for providing you with His grace and strength for the victorious life he uniquely designed for you. If you feel like your life is not in line with where He wants you, ask Him for wisdom as you focus on His love for you and listen for His voice to direct you.
Family Time:
- So what point was God making to Job according to verses 1 and 2?
- What lesson did God intend to teach Job in verses 8-9? Explain.
- Why did God rebuke Job? Was Job wrong to claim he was righteous and was not suffering for sin?