Thursday, October 17
Read Job 38
Think About It:
The storm that Elihu had been describing finally broke, and God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind (storm). The answer to Job’s problems was not an explanation about God, such as the three friends and Elihu had given, but a revelation of God. The four men had declared and defended the greatness of God but had failed to persuade Job. When God displayed His majesty and greatness, Job was humbled and brought him to the place of silent submission before God. That was the turning point. We prefer that God speak to us in the sunshine, but sometimes He must speak out of the storm. This is how He spoke to Israel at Mt Sinai (Exodus 19:16-19; Hebrew 12:18) and centuries later to Elijah (1 Kings 19:8-11). Experiencing this majestic demonstration of God’s power made Job very susceptible to the message God had for him.
God’s address to Job centered on His works in nature and consisted of seventy-seven questions interspersed with divine commentary relating to the questions. The whole purpose of this interrogation was to make Job realize his own inadequacy and inability to meet God as an equal and defend his cause.
“Then summon me, and I will answer,” Job had challenged God, “or let me speak, and You reply” (13:22). God had now responded to Job’s challenge. God’s address can be summarized in three questions:
- “Can you explain My creation?” (38:1-38)
- “Can you oversee My creation?” (38:39 – 39:30)
- “Can you subdue My creation?” (40:6-41:34)
Additionally, God is called “The Lord,” that is, Jehovah God, a name that has not been used in the book of Job since the first two chapters except for 12:9. In their speeches, the men have called Him “God” and “the Almighty” but not “Jehovah.” This is the name that God revealed to Israel centuries later (Exodus 3:13), the name that speaks of His self-existence (“I AM THAT I AM) and His personal covenant relationship to His people.
I can say with certainty, that God loves you more than you can imagine. We are His creation. He knew you before you were born. He planned out every one of your days before your first breath. He is all powerful. We are to submit to his authority. We are to cast down all pride and self-ambition and simply live as a child of God. Proverbs 1:7 says, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Job 28:28 says, “But to man He said, Behold the reverential and worshipful Fear of the Lord – that is Wisdom; and to depart from evil is Understanding.”
- Ask the Lord Jehovah to show you any area in your life that has been given over to the enemy and renounce and reject it. Take a moment and renew your covenant relationship with Jehovah God right now.
Family Time:
- Explain the point of God’s questions?
- What lessons should be learned by Job and by all of us?
- When we are tempted, like Job, to challenge God, we need to remember that God will always win! His ways are so far above our own. How can you thank Him and respond to His greatness?