Monday, October 14
Read Job 35
Think About It:
- Elihu believes the reason for God not answering Job is because of his pride. Elihu eludes that Job cries out to God in time of need but isn’t sincere…not recognizing God as Maker, comforter and the one who gives wisdom. Are these true statements? Was Job full of pride?
- Elihu was questioning Job’s heart and his righteousness or lack thereof because God had not responded to Job. Did Elihu have the right to make these accusations? Did these accusations help Job? Was Elihu’s message to Job any different from that of Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar?
Family Time:
- Elihu believes that Job is self-righteous. What does it mean to be self-righteous?
- In your studies so far about Job, do you think Job was self-righteous? What did God say about Job? (See chapter 1)