Wednesday, October 9
Read Job 31
Think About It:
- In Job 1, we are told that Job was a blameless and upright man. Chapter 31 explains what this godly life looked like. This chapter could be called Job’s Sermon on the Mount, because in it he touches on many of the same issues that Jesus covered in Matthew 5-7. The relationship between lust and adultery (Job 31:1, 9-12); Loving your neighbor as yourself (Job 31:13-15); Giving to the poor and social justice (Job 31:16-23); The love of money and other idols (Job 31:24-28). Who does Job believe is his Prosecutor (accuser)? Who actually was his accuser?
- “Job was indeed confident in what he did know; that he was a blameless and upright man who did not bring the catastrophe upon himself by his own special sin. What he was much too confident about were the things he could not see; the things that happened in the spiritual realm, known to the reader of Job 1-2, but unknown to Job in the story. Somewhat like his friends, Job thought he had it all figured out, but he didn’t.” Because Job didn’t know what was happening in the spiritual realm, he made false assumptions based on what he saw in the physical world. Do you sympathize with Job? Have you ever been in a situation where you believed that God had let you down because of what you saw happening in the physical world?
Family Time:
- Job describes the many sins he did not commit… because of his faithfulness and obedience to God. Job knew that he had not committed sins by doing outwardly wrong things; these are sins of commission. Job also knew that he did not commit sins by NOT doing right things when he knew he should; these are sins of omission. What things are you NOT doing that you should? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal these to you.