Monday, September 30
Read Job 23
Think About It:
- Job feels separated from God and his friends have been no comfort; he is feeling forsaken in his time of crisis. Though his crisis at this time was certainly much worse than any he might have experienced before, surely Job had previously been able to go to God in his time of need and find help, comfort, wisdom and guidance. Yet, in the worst crisis in his life he felt that he could not find God. Who else in the Bible felt forsaken by God during the worst crisis in his life?
- Even though Job could not find God, his faith in God was still strong. Even in his present situation, there were five truths, found in verse 10, that Job understood. God still observed Job carefully and had not forgotten him (But He knows the way that I take). God had a purpose in the crisis, and the purpose was not to punish Job (when He has tested me). God would one day bring the trial to an end (I shall come forth). God would bring something good from it all (I shall come forth as gold). God still valued Job; only precious metal is put through the fire (as gold). Think of a crisis or a time of difficulty in your life. Were you able to find God or did you feel forsaken? What did you learn from the trial or difficulty? How did this time of testing change you?
Family Time:
- Who did Job wish to find? (Verses 1-9)
- What did Job realize that God knew about him? (Verse 10)
- What did Job esteem more than food? (Verse 12)